March 2, 2009

I'm taking a poll!

So I'm still learning the ins and outs of blogging. I thought it would be fun to try out a gadget and take a poll. So answer the poll above and read my blog to see how my twisted mind came up with this particular poll. :)

It seems that the majority of people count down to Friday. When I was a youngster and going to school, I counted down to Friday. Friday signified that we had somehow managed to make it to the weekend. Friday meant sleepovers with friends, no alarm clocks buzzing me awake the next morning, and a break from the monotonous routine of that pesky education.

As a teacher, it wasn't much different. Granted, there were no longer sleepovers with friends (unless you count my dear hubby). But even as a grownup I was grateful for no buzzing alarm clock, and yes, even the teacher tires of that pesky education routine. (Shhhh! Don't tell the principal.)

However, I know my mom's countdown schedule worked a little differently. With eight kids, the weekend signified mass chaos. Massive amounts of laundry! Playing chauffeur to countless activities! And chances of the house staying clean were slim to none! Suffice it to say, my mom was grateful for routine. Monday meant that some sense of routine had returned to her life and with the kids back to school she could attempt to regain control.

So today I find that my countdown clock is confused. Monday and Friday each have advantages and disadvantages.

Friday means:
  • I get to see dear hubby. He has a break from both work and school.
  • I don't have to get up early and get Avery ready for preschool.
  • We'll possibly go out to dinner. Yay, no cooking!

Monday means:

  • I get a short break when Avery goes to preschool.
  • Addison may actually take a decent nap. (Also, due to Avery being at preschool.)
  • I can make some headway on housework.
So how's a girl to vote. Well, in an attempt to be honest, I will vote for the last choice. But in an attempt at greater happiness, I am going to try to stop counting down and enjoy my life whatever day it is. I hope you do the same!

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